Celebrating the one-year anniversary of Shadowrun Returns, Harebrained Schemes has announced that the Dragonfall expansion is going to release as a standalone title.
Shadowrun Returns was released on the PC over the summer, and we gave it a positive review. Since most of my days are spent on my iPad, I wanted to see if the game's futuristic Seattle landscape held up. Set in 2054, the turn based combat style RPG is essentially a sci-fi fantasy enigma wrapped within another enigma, but does the mystery hold up for a tablet experience?
Rising out of the ashes, thanks to the efforts of Harebrained Schemes and fans from Kickstarter, is Shadowrun Returns. Does this new attempt to create a game true to the role-playing world of Shadowrun succeed? Or are we better off letting it fade back into the shadows?
Successful Kickstarter project Shadowrun Returns finally has an official release date. Harebrained Schemes has announced that the game will be releasing to the public sometime this June. Unfortunately, an exact date could not be given.