Real, Online Betting Now Possible With Street Fighter 4
It looks like Justin Wong and Daigo can drop their day jobs, because money-backed betting is coming to Street Fighter 4 online.
Virgin Gaming's partnership with Capcom allows world warriors to bet real-life currency on online Street Fighter 4 matches. Virgin has put out an official page that streamlines the newly-added betting process. The company allows players to rate opponents, focus on localized matches (to minimize pings and reduce latency), and will feature a detailed report center so you don't get cheated out of your Balrog bucks.
Virgin's betting processes are supported for Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (including the non-arcade edition of SSF4) for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. We expect that Virgin will also support Ultra Street Fighter 4 when it releases later this year. Please note that matches and bets must be made on Virgin Gaming's website where you will enter both competiting player's gamertags, arrange the matches there while Virgin will automatically deposit the winnings into the player's Virgin account. Unfortunately, there is no word as to whether or not the PC versions of Street Fighter 4 will be supported.