Ratonhnhaké:ton (Assassin’s Creed 3) – Cosplay of the Day
Today's featured costume is an example of extremely passionate cosplaying and the lengths someone will go to in order to give an authentic portrayal. Let's take a breath and check out Ratonhnhaké:ton, our Cosplay of the Day!
Ratonhnhaké:ton is who Connor would have remained, if he had never become an Assassin in Assassin's Creed 3. It's always a treat to see how alternate realities would play out, so it's fun to see him run around in The Tyranny of King Washington downloadable content, decked out in his own gear instead of his Assassin's outfits.
And here to recreate that look is Alexa Karii, who we previously featured in her Sexy American Casual version of Lollipop Chainsaw's Juliet Starling. She's gone to great lengths to make the cosplay as accurate as she could, even going as far as heading to the Lexington area to take pictures in sites that might have appeared in the game. It's an amazing recreation that deserves a lot of praise, which we're definitely dishing out!
Come check out some of her other costumes on her Facebook page and show her some love for all her hard work!
Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Day!
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