PS Vita Slim Coming to the US Along with Borderlands 2
Well, the good PlayStation news keeps on coming. Sony announced the PS Vita Slim would be coming to North America this spring.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, Sony dropped the news many of us had been waiting for since Japan and Europe were announced as markets for the PS Vita 2000 (aka the PS Vita Slim). Not only will North America be getting the sleeker new Vita, but Sony will be offering it in a bundle along with the portable version of Borderlands 2.
Borderlands 2 on the Vita will include all six DLC packs released for the original game, and will offer cross-save compatibility with the PlayStation 3 version. Along with Borderlands 2, the PS Vita Slim bundle will also include an 8GB memory stick, which is in addition to the 1GB internal memory, for $199.99.
There's still no solid release date in sight, but spring is just around the corner. With all the great games coming to the PS3 and Vita, as well as the PlayStation 4, that offer cross-play, cross-save and remote play, the timing couldn't be better for Sony's new Vita model.
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