Metal Slug 2 Will Blow Up the App Store at Midnight
If you have enjoyed Metal Slug or Metal Slug 3 already on your mobile device, chances are you're already aware that SNK Playmore has Metal Slug 2 locked and loaded. So if your trigger finger is itching for another opportunity to take a shot at General Morden and his noisy hordes of mercs, than you're in luck! Metal Slug 2 will be blasting into the App Store tonight at midnight!
While the release schedule on iOS and Android has been a little strange, with Metal Slug 3 coming first, followed by the original, the story has remained the same. Metal Slug 2 starts right after the events of the first game, putting you back into the army boots of the Peregrine Falcon Squad.
If you are new to the series and just started with the first game, you will notice that the action is just as frantic, while things are starting to get a little crazier. The second game is where the series starts to experiment a little more, bringing in wacky things like aliens and huge-armored robots of death. But we all know it's all about the tanks.
In addition to what made the original great, Meta Slug 2 includes two new characters: Eri and Fiolina. They both make great additions to the Peregrine Falcon Squad, letting Marco and Tarma take it easy for a bit.
Get ready to play Metal Slug 2 on your iPhone and iPad when it hits the App Store tonight.
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