Marvel: Avengers Game Will Come when the Right Developer is Found
Despite how great it was, Lego Marvel Super Heroes doesn't count as an Avengers title.
In a recent interview with IGN, TQ Jefferson, Marvel's vice president of game production, claims that an Avengers-based game must be done properly and given enough time to reflect the quality of the company's current theatrical standards.
“The Avengers game will come when we have the right partner, that has the right vision, that has the time to develop a strong, competitive triple-A title and wants to do it right,” Jefferson claims. “It has to hit our three pillars: Fun and engaging gameplay, true to the characters, compelling story. Without hitting those notes, we shouldn’t do it. Gamers, they know better. They’re not going to flock to something that’s sub-par."
Jefferson made similar claims when he said that he was aware how many previous Marvel franchise titles in the past "sucked," and that his company is aiming to eliminate this ongoing association that has plagued most games in Marvel's library throughout the years. Many superhero games had rushed development times in order to meet theatrical release dates of its blockbuster counterpart. As a result, most of these titles are looked at as cheap cash-grabs where it was assumed people would simply buy a game because it stars a superhero whose movie is about to hit theaters, which more and more gamers are starting to avoid.
Marvel has supposedly learned from that lesson and is now insisting on higher standards in its games to reflect the same quality that has been happening in its movies. Whether that ends up being true remains to be seen.