Hearthstone Finally Launches for iOS and Android Mobile Devices
Blizzard has been promising its free-to-play card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, to iOS and Android smartphone users and now they can finally get their hands on it.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has been out for a while on both iPad and Android tablets, but it's taken Blizzard a bit longer to push it to mobile devices. Blizz has finally perfected its portable interface in order to properly present Hearthstone on smartphone formats. The great thing about the mobile version of the game is that you won't have to completely start over. You can easily access your Battle.net account when the game prompt comes up asking if you want to start anew or if you're a returning player.
A perk of getting the mobile version, besides being able to play it anywhere, include a free card pack. If you play one full game of Hearthstone on your mobile device, then you will receive a free classic card pack. The same deal is available for the previously released iPad and Android tablet versions as well.
If you're on your phone wondering where the heck you can find this mobile version of Hearthstone, don't get discouraged: it is there. When I looked on my iPhone to try and find it, the game didn't pop up by simply searching for the name "Hearthstone." There were too many other clone/ripoff apps that were showing up before it. However, if you filter it by the author (Blizzard in this case), you can find it easily.
To make things easier for our readers out there: you can get it Hearthstone at the App Store or on Google Play.