Evolve Trailer: Game Ships with Pre-Order Promises
Evolve has been shipped out and now it's time to talk about what the benefits of pre-ordering are for the Xbox One.
Even though the game is coming out next month and there's nowhere to actually pre-order a copy of the Xbox One version, 2K and Turtle Rock Studios are promising a few goodies to make it extra worth it, such as the Monster Expansion Pack, third tier Hunters and the Savage Goliath skin. The Xbox One will also be the only platform on which players will be able to participate in the open beta.
The nice thing about the open beta is that it has been confirmed that any progress made while playing it will carry over into the actual game. The open beta will also include the new playable Wraith monster, which 2K and Turtle Rock Studios just recently released.
You can check out the open beta if you have Xbox One on Jan. 15-19, 2015 and catch the release of the full game on Feb. 10, 2015 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
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