The Order: 1886 Trailer: Silent Night
Ready at Dawn wishes its fans happy holidays by releasing a new trailer for The Order: 1886.
As 'Silent Night' gets sang by a child and an overcast hangs over a re-imagined version of London, this new trailer for The Order: 1886 begins. Comprised of descendants of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, The Order has sworn to project humanity from the unnatural forces that stalk them from the night: half-breeds, featuring both animal and human characteristics. Finally, this trailer lets us see some of these werewolf-like creatures in action. The Order: 1886's previous trailers mainly focused on its human vs. human combat, and we're glad to see these bipedal canine humanoids get some screen time. We're still not sure about The Order:1886's weird letterbox format though. Here's to hoping it was worth the wait.
The Order: 1886 will be launching Feb. 20, 2015, exclusively on PlayStation 4.
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