Square Enix has kicked off its Online Back to School Sale on its official website, which means many Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider and Hitman titles will be getting discounted.
We're very proud to premiere a new exclusive series here on Arcade Sushi. We've teamed with the main man of metal himself, Eric "ERock" Calderone, to bring you a collection of hard rocking remakes of some of your favorite video game songs.
After going the distance and fleshing out the history of Square and the rocky start to the first Final Fantasy title, it's time that we move with the face of the role-playing genre. Today, we're going to elaborate on the history, development and legacy of both Final Fantasy II and III. Keep an eye out for the birth of the chocobo, moogles, the introduction to your favorite summons and the first in
The Final Fantasy series is synonymous with role-playing games. The average player can't hold a conversation about the genre without mentioning Square's flagship franchise. Since the 1980s, Final Fantasy has been the face of RPGs and has set the standards of the genre...
According to a post over at FinalFantasy.Net, Square Enix has revealed a teaser site in Japanese that's set up for people to pre-register for their newest mobile effort -- Final Fantasy Tactics.