
10 Best Games for Kleptomaniacs
10 Best Games for Kleptomaniacs
10 Best Games for Kleptomaniacs
You don't need that tin can do you? How about this crutch? You're not even injured! And come on, what's up with all these cheese wheels? Surely you're not going to eat all of those. There are a ton of games out there that are all about the loot, but "loot" can be a flexible term. There are quite a few games that have players digging through container after container and finding simple cloth or destroyed books with the occasional items that are actually valuable or purposeful. Nonetheless, when videogames have taught us to think that we just might need everything we come across, it's hard to resist temptation to just grab everything we see in every box.
Dishonored Definitive Edition Review
Dishonored Definitive Edition Review
Dishonored Definitive Edition Review
It's time to go back to Dunwall and become the supernatural/steampunk assassin Corvo Attano one more time in Dishonored Definitive Edition. As an enhanced version of the hit 2012 game for last-gen consoles, Dishonored brings back its unique take on stealth gameplay told through a first-person perspective. Obviously, this Definitive Edition launched to help get us hyped up for Dishonored 2, but there isn't much here that could be considered new when compared to its original release (especially in regards to the last-gen Game of the Year Edition). Nevertheless, there's still something that's remarkably satisfying about infiltrating an enemy compound with such a variety of ways in dispatching your enemies, whether you're using a crossbow, traps, your sword, your hands, magic or a legion of bloodthirsty rats.

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