Sunset Overdrive Trailer: Price Drop and ‘Fallen Machines’ DLC
Just when we thought there was nothing left to do in Sunset City, along comes a brand new DLC adventure that should whet our appetite for destruction, and this new chapter isn't the only thing that's dropping in Sunset Overdrive. In celebration of its brand new 'Fallen Machines' DLC, Sunset Overdrive has gotten a significant price drop.
The new trailer above fills players in on everything they need to know about Sunset Overdrive's new 'Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines' DLC. The player and his crew learn of a killswitch that can deactivate all of the FizzCo robots at once, giving a clear indication of what we're going to be up against during these missions. We see plenty of titanium-plated pests to destroy, as well as some new weaponry to play with, including what looks like an American Gladiators-style roll cage.
Even more interesting is what looks to be a major boss character in this new DLC, who is the host of the live action tutorial videos that play throughout the city via streaming. We could potentially have to do battle with a real human being inside of a video game, and who knows what kind of power he'll have, but we'll gladly take a shot at him.
Best of all, if this DLC makes you finally want to take the Sunset Overdrive plunge, the game's price has officially dropped to $39.99 so you'll save some dough in the process. Perhaps that extra cash could go towards this DLC, which is most likely why the price dropped in the first place. We're not sure if that new price is permanent either, so now is the time to strike.