Street Fighter V E3 2015 Trailer: Birdie and Cammy Return
The chain-wielding Birdie and cheeky Cammy are the latest world warriors to make their return in Street Fighter V.
Capcom announced during Sony's E3 2015 presentation that Cammy and Birdie are joining the roster of Street Fighter V. While he got a revamped look in the Street Fighter Alpha series, this marks the first time we've seen Birdie in the main series since the first game of the franchise launched in 1987. Since then, Birdie's look has drastically changed. Surprisingly, Birdie has lost the abs and muscular physique we last saw in Street Fighter Alpha 3 and replaced it with a gut. Guess that's what happens when you haven't appeared on the main roster in so many years.
Cammy looks a bit fuller in her physique compared to her last appearance in Street fighter IV. We have to admit that seeing her wearing a gun holster and shoulder harness looks a bit weird. Nevertheless it's great to see her back and adhering to her Killer Bee fighting style.
Street Fighter V is set to launch sometime in Spring 2016 for PC and PlayStation 4. Pre-ordering Street Fighter V will give you access to the game's beta, which will begin for PS4 users on July 23.
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