Saint’s Row: Gat Out of Hell Trailer: Satan’s Singing Voice
The Saint's Row series has gone from being a mere clone of Grand Theft Auto to super powers, aliens, Matrix-like computer worlds and a Satan-filled musical in hell.
The Saint's have always flowed according to their own rhythm, so a trailer this balls-out insane should come as no surprise to anyone. This musical number, featuring Satan's daughter, Jezebel, arguing with her father about her freedom to choose, sounds straight out of a classic Disney musical, complete with the thumping, overbearing beats of the villain's song, and the uplifting sounds of our lonely princess' vocals.
Don't be fooled by the sweeping orchestral sounds of this musical number, though— Gat Out of Hell isn't some Glee episode dolled up as an expansion pack. Outside of some nutty cutscenes, you'll still be blasting bad guys and rampaging as you've always rampaged, but you'll just be in Hell while you do it.
The stand-alone Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell expansion arrives Jan. 20 on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 for $19.99. The bundled version included with Saints Row 4: Re-Elected will be available the same day on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One for $49.99.
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