Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Trailer: Sin-sational Seven Deadly Weapons
At this point, the Saints of Saints Row have conquered the business world, the political world, space, and even time itself. What's left? Well, in Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, you'll be traveling into Hell to rescue The Boss, and in doing so you'll throw down against the most ultimate of ultimate evils, the Lord of Darkness himself— Satan.
As either super gangster Johnny Gat or super hacker Kinzie, players will rampage across Hell with a host of new powers and weapons— the most impressive of which being those based on the seven deadly sins. There's a greed machine gun that shoots money, a gluttony gun that sprays frosting, a lust shotgun which, erm, erotically charges your foes, and a sloth assault vehicle which is basically a La-Z-Boy recliner that shoots missiles, just to name a few.
Saints Row's most recent iterations show that the team at Volition are willing to do whatever it takes for players to have the most over-the-top fun imaginable, and Gat Out of Hell looks to keep that trend alive and well. Every time players ask, "Where can we go from here?" Volition answers with, "Bigger. Better. Crazier." Here's hoping things get so crazy in Gat Out of Hell that we get to punch Hitler in his stupid mustachioed face.
The stand-alone Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell expansion arrives January 20, 2015, for PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 for $19.99. The bundled version included with Saints Row 4: Re-Elected will be available on the same day for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in addition to the aforementioned consoles for $49.99.
Additionally, two pre-order packs will be available. Both are available with the bundle, while Gat out of Hell will get just the Jester's Skull.
SAINTS WINGS, JESTER'S SKULL (Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Devil's Workshop Pack)
Tired of flying on the wings of a fallen angel? With the Devil's Workshop Pack you can fly on the purple wings of a Saint instead. Also included; Yorick, the flaming skull that acts as the source of Shakespeare's infernal might. Finally you can wield all of the power of Shakespeare with none of the iambic pentameter: what's not to love?
HELLISH PRINCESS, INFERNAL GUARD, LIL' CROAKER (Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Plague of Frogs Pack)
Take some mementos from hell with you to virtual Steelport! Rain amphibian death onto Zinyak's army with the Lil' Croaker, and look good doing it wearing either Infernal Guard armor or Hellish Princess costumes.
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