If you're a fan of role-playing game goodness on the PlayStation Network, chances are that you might have checked out SideQuest Studios' Rainbow Moon last year. If you enjoyed it, then now you have more to look forward to, since an indirect sequel called Rainbow Skies will be heading to the PSN in 2014.

According to a post on the PlayStation Blog, Rainbow Skies will take place in an all new world with new characters, monsters and a brand-new story with no ties to Rainbow Moon.

You'll be able to take part in monster taming, a new combo-based battle system, new dungeon action elements, treaure hunts, a better side quest system, a new dialogue and emoticon system, mini-games and you can even explore buildings in Rainbow Moon.

This sequel is sounding like a pretty beefy turn-based RPG. And the fact that it will have Crossplay functionality across the PlayStation 3 and Vita make it even tastier.

There's no set release date yet, but we'll update you as more information is made available. Until then, we'll just have to busy ourselves until 2014 gets here.

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