PlayStation Offers Tips and Tricks for New Vita Owners
Just in case you bought a PlayStation Vita or got one for the holidays and are wondering how the heck to use it, Sony has come out with some tips and tricks for you.
Sony has recognized that not everyone who buys its consoles are as tech savvy as they maybe should be. Because of this, it has come out with a new article on PlayStation Blog to show you the capabilities of the PS Vita. There are actually a surprising amount of features that the handheld console comes with, according to the blog post. Not only can you personalize your background, but you can get organized with folders that will house your apps. You can take screenshots, plan your schedule with the calendar, access all the important settings with the quick settings menu and "get access to a rotating list of free games" with PlayStation Plus. There are also streaming features with PlayStation Now -- over the cloud -- or Remote play -- from your PlayStation 4.
If you just got a PlayStation Vita for the holidays, you can learn a lot about the little device on the blog post. Happy playing!
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