PlayStation Japan Celebrates Twenty Wonderful Years
PlayStation has been around for twenty years, and the company's Japan branch has put out a new video to celebrate. Also, you now feel super old.
The video is everything that you would expect from PlayStation Japan's twentieth anniversary. It's awesome to see the games go by throughout the video. It starts off with some footage of Pong and ends with a close up of Big Boss from the Metal Gear Solid series. The contrasting qualities of the games paired with the upbeat music make the viewer really revel in how far PlayStation Japan has come. It showcases not only what appear to be the most popular games that have come out for its consoles, but also all of the different consoles that its come out.
The video was made to thank the players and it did that pretty well. While it clearly showcased the games and the consoles as one of the bigger parts of the videos, PlayStation Japan made sure to throw in some clips of people playing the games as well. It also wrapped up the video with a few clips of some very happy looking people.
If you want to return the thanks to PlayStation you can keep up with it through its trending twitter tag #PlayStation20Anniversary or, in Japanese, #プレイステーション20周年.