Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor Trailer: Mind Control Manners
Warner Bros. has released a new trailer for Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. In addition to showing a good bit of gameplay, it introduces a new character, Lady Marwen, who will factor heavily into the game’s story.
Lady Marwen, an original character making her first appearance in Shadows of Mordor, tasks the main character, Talion, with assembling an orc army to battle the forces of Sauron. With her prophetic visions and cryptic advice, Marwen appears to be an expository character, providing guidance and, presumably, mission details.
A significant amount of gameplay is presented here, showing Talion’s abilities as both a ranger and a wraith. His ranger abilities are pretty standard, allowing him to stab, sneak and shoot his way through enemy hordes, but his wraith abilities are much more interesting. Talion is able to psychically impose his will on enemies, forcing them to fight alongside him, gather information or even assassinate their own leaders. In the trailer, we see him take over orc opponents, Warg-like mounts and even a massive enemy troll.
Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor launces Oct. 17 for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC. With more trailers sure to come, we’re hoping to see one that details the game’s most intriguing element, the Nemesis System, which remembers the player's interactions with NPC and adjusts the way they react to the player.
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