March’s Free PS Plus Games Include Oddworld, Valiant Hearts and More
After a slight delay, Sony has opened the gates for some excellent free games on PlayStation consoles throughout the month of March.
Sony has revealed March's free PlayStation Plus games on the PlayStation Blog, and we're in for a treat. We're surprised that Sony took so long in revealing them, as Xbox's free Games with Gold for March were revealed more than a week ago. With Xbox offering the likes of BioShock Infinite and Tomb Raider for free, Sony needed to step its offerings up, and it did.
PlayStation 4 owners with a subscription to PlayStation Plus will be able to download Valiant Hearts: The Great War and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee — New 'n' Tasty. New 'n' Tasty is the current-gen reboot of the Abe's PS-One classic. Valiant Hearts is the unforgettable puzzle game that focuses on the first World War.
PS3 gamers will be able to download the mysterious Papo & Yo and Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, where you'll have to use deductive reasoning to solve some of London's craziest capers as the legendary detective. PS Vita owners will be able to download CounterSpy and OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood, which is downloadable for the other PlayStation formats as well. For those who don't know, CounterSpy is all about Cold War-era espionage, and OlliOlli2 continues the amazing, side-scrolling shredding of its skateboarding predecessor. We're digging being able to get six games for free just for being a PlayStation Plus subscriber, but we honestly thought the delay was for the PS Plus version of DriveClub. Maybe next month, right?
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