Level 5 Has Plans For PS4 Game
Level-5, the masterminds behind some of the best RPG games of recent years are amidst planning for a next-gen title. We wonder what it could be.
The most recent blockbuster that Level-5 released was the absolutely intriguing and gorgeous Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. They've also been the brains behind the Professor Layton series and White Knight Chronicles. According to a report translated by Siliconera, Level-5 is in the planning stages of a title for the PlayStation 4. Their being one of the 3rd party developers that has signed on for the PS4, it is hopeful that we'll see a really great stable of launch titles. They also said they they'd like to use the PS4's unique network functionality to add something new and different to the game.
Whatever they have planned, we're anxious to see what the final product will be. Surely it will be another deep RPG experience that we come to expect from the company.
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