February’s Free PS Plus Games Include Transistor, Yakuza 4, Thief and More
Sony is spreading the Valentine's Day love by making Transistor, Yakuza 4, Thief, Rogue Legacy and other excellent games free for PS Plus subscribers.
The PlayStation Blog just announced that a bunch of quality titles are going to be free to download for PS Plus subscribers throughout the month of February. PlayStation 4 owners will be able to download the sci-fi RPG, Transistor, which is from the studio who brought us Bastion. Also coming to PlayStation 4 for free is Apotheon, an Ancient Greece-themed, side-scrolling beat 'em up.
Two massive hits for PlayStation 3 are free to download in the form of Yakuza 4 and Thief. Yakuza 4 is a GTA-esque game revolving around the criminal underworld of Tokyo, while Thief has you playing as a master burglar.
PS Vita owners will get Kick & Fennick along with Rogue Legacy. Rogue Legacy is an extreme platformer that is like a modern day tribute to Ghouls 'N Ghosts. The best thing about Rogue Legacy? Once you download it for free, it's cross-bought for PS4, PS3 and PS Vita.
With Xbox's Games With Gold program giving out It Draws A Red Box, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Sniper Elite V2, we would have to say that Sony has the overall better offerings for the month of February. Nevertheless, we're glad to see both Sony and Microsoft stepping things up in terms of their free, monthly offerings. The increase in quality of free games from both sides is proof that competition can be a good thing.
Make sure you grab January's free PS Plus games before they're gone, which include InFamous: First Light and The Swapper for PS4, Prototype 2 and DuckTales Remastered for PS3, and Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition for PS Vita.