Fable Anniversary Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed
This February, Fable Anniversary arrives, giving players a high-def remaster of Lionhead Studios' original Xbox classic. Just as the game has gone gold, Lionhead has announced the different pre-order incentives being offered at select retailers.
Over on the Lionhead blog, the developer detailed three different sets of incentives coming along with Fable Anniversary on Feb. 4. The Peiratēs Pack features a pirate themed outfit and cutlass. The Snowspire Pack will include a Snowspire guard suit and the Jackarse, a dead fish you can use as a melee weapon. Finally, there's the Apollo Pack, an outfit based closely on the leader of the Grey Company, as well as Apollo's crossbow.
No actual retailers have been announced just yet, so where you'll be able to find any of the outfits remains a mystery for now. There are only a few weeks left until Fable Anniversary is available, so hopefully we won't have to wait much longer to learn where each pack can be found. That said, knowing Microsoft, these exclusive pre-order benefits will likely be made available to all on Xbox Live at some point in the future for a nominal fee.
It's been a long time since we've played Fable, and this remake should give us all the inspiration we need to take another trip through Albion. In the meantime, you can get a better look at the outfits and weapons over on the Lionhead blog.