Looks like Destiny is getting its Titan, Warlock and Hunter figures done by the excellent crafters at ThreeA. There better be a Wizard figure in the works.

You guys might recognize ThreeA as the makers of the Portal 2 Atlas and P-Body figures we reviewed a few months ago. Mind you, these Portal 2 figures were roughly $190 each. ThreeA has already announced that these Destiny figures will be 1/6 scale, just like the Portal figures, so we should expect a similar price range for these new toys. These figures might be even pricier due to the how popular Destiny is already becoming before its release. Nevertheless, ThreeA does high quality work and their figures tend to be worth it. We're pretty sure we'll see at least three figures, a Hunter, Titan and Warlock. Hopefully, there'll be a Ghost and a gun with each one.

Unfortunately, no type of prototypes were seen on ThreeA's website. Also, no sort of pricing or launch window was mentioned. Destiny will be coming out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on Sept. 9.


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