Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Trailer: Phase-4 Joins the Fight
Say hello to Kasumi's clone, Phase-4, in this new trailer featuring Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate's newest fighter.
Shoryuken reports that Team Ninja has unveiled the newest vixen to join the cast of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and she is looking quite familiar. Coinciding with the release of the ver. 1.07 patch, Phase-4 is now available for purchase. Ver. 1.07 includes some bug fixes and changes made to moves throughout the roster for the sake of overall balance.
Phase-4 is actually a clone of Dead or Alive series' protagonist, Kasumi. While Phase-4 and Kasumi share similar attacks, she has some even deadlier moves. Watching her in action shows she's just as formidable and gorgeous as the original.
Phase-4 can now be purchased on the PSN for $5.99. The Xbox Live release of the character is scheduled for tomorrow along with the new patch.
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