CounterSpy Trailer: Bringing 2D Espionage to PlayStation 4
This beautiful, 2D side-scrolling stealth title will be soaring over to all of our favorite Sony systems, including the next-gen.
Dynamight has stated on the PlayStation Blog that it has partnered with Sony in order to help bring CounterSpy over to the PlayStation 4 in addition to the other consoles it was previously announced for. Without Sony's assistance, Dynamighty would have likely been unable to develop CounterSpy for the PS4.
CounterSpy also plans to have your progression be tracked to your CounterSpy account regardless of what system you are currently using. This means that progression done on one platform can be continued on another, which will be great for those seeking to get their spy-on with their smartphones while away from their consoles.
CounterSpy will be creeping to PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, and mobile devices sometime this Summer.