Are you ready to game on a budget? The Capcom Essentials collection will be released soon, packing in five great Capcom games for the price of one. Oh, and you get a nifty bag with it.

The Capcom Essentials collection is due out on Oct. 8 for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Picking up this pack gets you Resident Evil 6, Super Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4, Dead Rising 2, Mega Man 10 and a handsome Capcom travel bag.

All of this goodness can be yours for $59.99, which is roughly the same price as one new video game. The cool part is that you can upgrade Super Street Fighter 4 to Ultra Street Fighter 4 next year. A little prep-work never hurt, right?

Let us know if you're willing to drop the moolah for this package in order to get your mitts on five Capcom games for the price of one.

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