Bungie Puts A Price On Their Own Heads In Destiny
Destiny players know by now that the best way to grab large chunks of experience quickly is to complete bounties. Bungie is looking to make these bounties even more satisfying by putting themselves in the crosshairs of every Guardian in the world; Bungie has put out a bounty on themselves.
Each week, a Fireteam comprised of Bungie staffers will enter the Crucible, allowing players to hunt them and claim rewards for their kills. Players who take down a Bungie team will receive an exclusive player emblem, called “The Sign of Opposing Will,” letting skilled Guardians show off their high-profile conquest. Victorious teams will need to post a link to photographic proof of their win on the Bungie site on the day after the battle in order to claim their emblems. Winners will then be announced in the Bungie weekly update, and emblems will be rewarded at the Tower on the following Tuesday .
The first Bungie Bounty event will take place today (Sept. 18), and will be available to PlayStation 4 players from 7-8PM Pacific Time. This inaugural event will feature some of the biggest names at Bungie, like Josh Hamrick, Senior Designer, and Lars Bakken, Design Lead. Clash Mode will host the first event, but Bungie promises to hit every Crucible mode as well as every platform in the coming months.