Ronimo Games' Awesomenauts: Starstorm, the expansion to their PC hit, Awesomenauts, has met its funding goal of $125,000. Their next step? Possibly world domination. Or maybe some stretch goals first.

A post on the Awesomenauts: Starstorm Kickstarter page celebrates the successful funding of the expansion. As of this writing, Starstorm has raised $130,841 out of its original $125,000 goal. And with an additional 23 days of funding to go, it's looking like Startstorm will raise quite a bit more money.

The expansion seeks to add three new heroes (Ted McPain, Sentry and Kree), global chat, twin-stick support, new music and a spectator mode to the game proper. And now that they've reached that goal, a handful of stretch goals can be attained.

Here are the following tiers for the stretch goals:

  • $200,000 - New Map and Music
  • $270,000 - Custom Games
  • $380,000 - Replays and Infinite Spectator Mode
  • $415,000 - New Character and Music
  • $495,000 - Level Editor and Steam Workshop Integration
  • $530,000 - New Character and Music
  • $580,000 - Character Settings Editor
  • $630,000 - AI Editor
As you can see, there are a whole mess of other goodies to implement, so it's up to your dollars to decide whether or not these features will make it into the final product.
Let us know your thoughts on Awesomenauts: Starstorm and whether or not you'll help boost their funding within the next 3 weeks or so.

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