Amazon Goes Full Steam ahead with its End of Summer Sale
The 2014 Steam Summer Sale is long over, the fall lineup will soon be upon you and you thought you had plenty of time to protect your wallet from those pesky good deals. Amazon has other plans, dropping the price of over 300 games in a massive End of Summer Sale. You've been warned.
Some of the highlights include Titanfall for $20 instead of $40, Total War: Rome II for $20.29 instead of $60, Injustice: Gods Among Us for $7.49 instead of $30, and the Batman Mega Bundle, which includes all three current Arkham titles and each game's DLC, for $22.50 instead of $90. That Batman deal alone is worth the entire sale.
Note that the majority of these games on sale are PC digital downloads (just like a Steam sale), so console-centric gamers won't have to worry about spending money they might not have. If you play on PC, however, then you have some serious thinking to do. Can you pass up the entire Metro: Last Light experience for $5 instead of $20? Were you waiting to download Civilization V until a deal like the Complete Edition (for $25 instead of $50) came along? We don't envy those who are contemplating cashing in on some of these deals -- we're struggling to resist dumping our wallets into this sale too.
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