The Tekken series' longtime director tells us that development on Tekken X Street Fighter is well underway.

Polygon reports that Katsuhiro Harada, producer of Tekken X Street Fighter, has announced at San Diego Comic-Con that Namco Bandai is deep into the development of its next fighting crossover with Capcom. Street Fighter X Tekken came out in 2012 and featured the rosters of both Tekken and Street Fighter pitted against one another with Capcom primarily developing the game's 2D fighting engine. Tekken X Street Fighter seeks to do the same thing, but with Namco at the helm as both series' fighters adhere to the Tekken's 3D style of fighting this time around.

"It is proceeding. It hasn't been canceled, so please relax," Harada said.

Harada mentioned that his company is working on the following fighting games: Tekken Revolution, Soul Calibur: Lost Swords, Rise of Incarnates, Tekken 7 and Tekken X Street Fighter.

Harada provided the following prototype images of Ryu from Tekken X Street Fighter back in 2010, courtesy of Kotaku. Mind you, Ryu will likely be a lot different in the final game.

tekken x street fighter ryu
Namco Bandai
tekken x street fighter ryu 2
Namco Bandai

Thinking of Tekken X Street Fighter reminds us that Heihachi has one of the Best Video Game Mustaches. Our 5x5 video even has the proof.

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