Watch out for Witches and Boomers, because Francis, Bill, Zoey, Louis, Coach, Ellis, Nick and Rochelle from Left 4 Dead 1-2 are coming to Zombie Army Trilogy.
Five years after it originally unleashed a zombie apocalypse, Left 4 Dead 2 has finally broken through the Australian censors and made it to store shelves.
The time has come for two of the greatest zombie shooting franchises, Resident Evil 6 and Left 4 Dead 2, to join hands and sing kumbaya. Wait no, that's wrong. They'll be shooting for the head.
Capcom and Valve are doing a super company team up with their recent announcement of a Resident Evil 6 and Left 4 Dead 2 crossover project. Characters from Left 4 Dead 2 will pop up in the upcoming PC version of Resident Evil 6, and baddies from Resident Evil 6 infest Left 4 Dead 2 on PC. The best news, however, is all of this content is free!