There have been a number of fantastic fighting games featuring comic heroes and villains over the years, but few have been as addictive, fun, and well-made as NetherRealm Studios' latest dip into the DC Comics pool.
Whether old standards of DC lore or simply sensible to what we’ve seen going on in the Injustice storyline, any one of these characters would bring an awesome wrinkle to the game that we’d love to take against our friends. These are the 10 characters we’d love to see in Injustice 2.
You know what's cool? Grabbing Atrocitus, flying him into space, taking a lap around the sun, and then blasting him back down to Earth with heat vision. No matter how many times we were able to pull off Supergirl's super move in Injustice 2, that trip round Sol just never got old. It was just about the most satisfying special attack you could ask for when adding Supergirl to the roster. It certainly beats her cousin's, which merely takes place in the upper atmosphere, and has him punching his opponent a few times before flinging that foe back down to the ground. So yeah, Supergirl is better than Superman.