It's been nine years since Boss has seen any action, and the situation for his not-so-merry band of mercenaries has worsened every day. As he sits on his horse, contemplating the situation, we're left to wonder just how different this Metal Gear Solid will be from its predecessors.
Nintendo has announced that the 3DS will receive a new turn-based strategy game called Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. from Intelligent Systems, creators of Fire Emblem.
A surprise unveiling at the Nintendo Kids' Conference at E3 introduced the world to the Mega Evolved form of Sableye in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.
We may have played as Goku fighting Vegeta, Frieza and Cell plenty of times, but next-gen consoles get a turn in this E3 2014 trailer for Dragon Ball Xenoverse.