It was on this day in 2012 that the first wave of PS Vitas hit shelves, starting off a challenging road for Sony’s handheld department for years to come.
Many have followed, but few touch the bar that Mario Kart 64 established for kart racing, and it found its way to North American shelves on this day in 1997.
Super Smash Bros. Melee transcended its own generation to become a game the world would play years later, and it came to North American shelves today in 2001.
It was on this day 1998 that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time presented one of the most compelling cases for 3D gaming and set the bar astronomically high for all that followed.
It was on this day that players took up the paintbrush and stepped into the yellow shoes of the world’s most famous mouse to save the day in Epic Mickey.
The fact is that on some level, marketing tie-ins in video games pay off, such as in the curious case of the Burger King games, released today in 2006.