From the minute Mikhail asked if he could find a bush I knew something was amiss, and all of those fears came to a head every minute I spent playing Drakengard 3.
Since the Kinect is a mandatory part of the Xbox One system, it's about time that we got to a title which operates solely with the Kinect's interface. We have already seen how amazing the new Kinect can work in terms of using Skype or issuing voice commands, but there are hardly any games which strictly utilize the Kinect itself. But the Xbox One couldn't have launch titles without a Kinect-only t
When people refer to dementia, it’s usually a very bad thing. “Oh no, she’s got dementia!” In this case, however, Dementia means a horror iOS game, not the mental illness. But, after playing Dementia will players wish they had the real thing, or will we be glad to remember the experience?
Gamechanger World has a history of making iOS titles featuring popular artists of the independent and underground music scenes. Gamechanger presents their newest game, Skate Madness. Starring Hopsin, an up-and-coming underground rapper from the LA area, Skate Madness is an endless runner skateboarding experience where you must outrun monkeys that are chasing you through various locales, such as ju
The influence of Harlan Ellison's "A Boy and His Dog" and its 1975 cinematic adaptation can be seen across both the movie and gaming industries. In particular, inspirations from Ellison's novel can be seen throughout Fallout 3. Nah-Meen Studios attempts to cater to both zombie and Fallout fans by promoting a post-apocalypse scenario comprised of scrounging for supplies and killing zombie
Street Cats: The Motherfluffin Game is the first iOS venture from First Commit. This action-packed swipe-and-slicer puts you in control of the rodent-murdering paws of a cat, tasked with slicing up hordes of vermin while trying to stay alive. Is Street Cats good enough to let into our homes? Or are we better off leaving it out on the streets to fend for itself?
I love a good adventure game. The right one can wrap me up in its story and have me wanting to explore every nook and cranny of its world. Oftentimes, I get so deeply involved in the narrative that I lose track of time and end up living in the story that's unfolding. With that said, Mad Orange and Phoenix Online Studios have brought over a game called Face Noir from Italy that's supposed to be a t
A truly unique idea in video games, whether it be story or design, has become a rare thing. We’re constantly downed in an onslaught of sequels that utilize the same engines and old tropes. When something new comes out, it has the chance to revolutionize gaming. Or, it can crash and burn in a glorious fireworks display of broken execution. Time and Eternity tries to marry the hand drawn anime style