Predator, Tanya and Tremor Headed to Mortal Kombat X (Updated)
NetherRealm Studios has posted a video teaser of Mortal Kombat X's Kombat Pack DLC. As previously revealed, this DLC pack will add the horror icon, Jason Voorhees, to the game. The video also confirms that Predator will be joining the game as well (Jason vs. Predator? heck yeah!). Also coming with this DLC are two returning Mortal Kombat vets, Tanya and Tremor. That's right — Tanya is back for her sixth MK title. The lesser known Tremor is a brown-garbed ninja who was a boss in the abysmal Mortal Kombat: Special Forces game for PS-One and has powers similar to Avalanche from X-Men. He also appeared in the PS Vita version of MK9. Now if only Freddy Kruger could make a return...
Original Story:
The cloaking hunter from another world, the Predator, has been inadvertently revealed by the Xbox Store as a new fighter coming to Mortal Kombat X. We also get to take a look at Mileena and Takeda in action.
The Xbox Store's description of Mortal Kombat X mentions both Jason Voorhees and the Predator as two of the guest characters included in the game's Kombat Pack DLC, VG247 reports. The Kombat Pack, which is bundled with the Premium Edition of the game and will be available as a separate purchase, will include Jason, Predator and two legacy characters from the Mortal Kombat franchise. It is believed that the two returning characters will be Smoke and Stryker. Given that NetherRealm Studios confirmed Jason Voorhees for the game's roster last week (ironically on Friday the 13th), Xbox's listing nearly confirms the alien hunter's addition to the roster. Now, we just need an official gameplay video showcasing this cloaking monster's moves in action. We have a feeling its fighitng variations will include its spear/staff, a projectile-based form and another style focused on blades and stealth.
Here's what the Xbox Store said about Predator and Jason:
The Kombat Pack is currently available in the Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition on the Xbox Store. Kombat Pack grants early access to 4 new playable characters and skin packs. Stalk and slash your opponents as Horror Icon Jason Voorhees, or play as Predator, the Ultimate Hunter. Two Klassic Mortal Kombat characters complete the offer. Each playable character comes with a themed skin pack including three new skins for select characters. Also includes The Samurai Pack available on April 14th 2015.
NetherRealm Studios held an excellent gameplay stream last night (featured below) which went into details about all sorts of new features going into the game. In particular, we got to take a look at Takeda and Mileena's various fighting styles. We also got to see their Fatalities as well (you can see them in the video around the 12:52 and 31:25 marks).
Mortal Kombat X will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on April 14. Unfortunately, High Voltage Software's versions of MKX for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 have been delayed to the Summer.
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