Minecraft Recreations Fulfill Our Fantasies
We all know that there are some people on Minecraft that just go absolutely nuts in creative mode and these recreations seem to be the epitome of that.
If you're a 'Lord of the Rings' or a 'Game of Thrones' fan... or both... then you're going to love these recently updated recreations of Gondor and Westeros. The fans of Game of Thrones have been working on Westeros for just about four years now, Eurogamer reports and they're still not done, but have made significant progress. The project that started out with a mere seven players now has 125 dutifully working to bring the bloody battlefields and the snowy slopes of George R.R. Martin's fantasy novels to life.
When asked, Jacob Granberry, the project lead of "WesterosCraft" stated, "I would say the world is at around 70% completion. We've developed a custom launcher for the game that comes packed with our WesterosBlocks mod which includes over 50 new custom blocks and textures specifically made for our server." They're continuing to update and improve on their past work as well so, we'll just have to wait and see what the finished project looks like. For now, you can check out the video above to get a feel for it.
Over on the other side of the fantasy genre there's the capital of the Kingdom of Gondor, Osgiliath that has been painstakingly recreated by the groups EpicQuestz and Empire War. Kotaku reports thtat you can not only see the capital in when it was intact -- before it was abandoned in the Third Age -- but also in its current setting which is basically all ruins. This was all created over a span of several months and was just finished recently. You can check out the videos for both maps below.
This isn't the first awesome recreation undertaken by Minecraft players and I'm sure it won't be the last, but for now we can revel in the glory of two extremely detailed recreations of some of our favorite fantasy lands.
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