The Oculus Rift VR headset is coming to the place where a kid can be a kid.

Time reports that Chuck E. Cheese will be getting a six-week trial run for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Chuck E. Cheese, primarily known for ball pits, singing animatronics, mediocre pizza and dancing teenagers wearing the costumes of anthropomorphic animals, has decided to implement the Oculus Rift at a few key locations as a test. The company announced that it will have the Oculus Rift at a few Dallas restaurants and then proceed to add headsets to some of its Orlando and San Diego locations.

“Kids today have unprecedented access to game consoles and tablets,” Chuck E. Cheese Entertainment president Roger Cardinale said.

“Our challenge is to deliver an experience not available at home, and there is no doubt virtual reality does just that,” Cardinale added. “Oculus Rift technology is the next frontier in the gaming industry, and we’re thrilled to be able to say it’s part of the Chuck E. Cheese’s lineup.”

The first game available to children will include a virtual rendition of Ticket Blaster, where a child is put into a small wind tunnel and is supposed to grab as many tickets as they can.

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