By now, you might be sensing a theme here. Yeah, we really love Final Fantasy VI. One of the best things about it is that there really isn't a main character, but instead a wide range of different heroes that the game shifts focus to. And one of the best characters from that game is one that doesn't get enough of her due. That would be Celes - the renegade, rune blade wielding general who's usually overshadowed Terra and her gleaming Esper form. In one of the most iconic moments in the sixth Final Fantasy game, Celes singing in the opera house really stands out. Not only in the way you got to play through it, but how it helped shape the story up to that point and going forward. Celes is also the first character that wakes up after the world has turned, presenting gamers with a weighty situation involving the care of her dying father. If you don't feed him enough fish, he will die! But you could also nurse him back to health. At the time, that was really heavy moment to have in a video game. And it still is.

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