Though it may be overshadowed by several other major releases hitting today, Activision's and Terminal Reality's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct launched on Tuesday.
A new video for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct shows us some behind the scenes footage of Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker voicing their characters, Daryl and Merle Dixon.
Them Dixon Boys sure seem to find themselves in heaps of trouble all of the time and they don't even have to be walker-related issues. But rest assured that this trailer for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct's Walker Herd downloadable content is rife with the undead.
There's a vast array of weapons you can use to defend yourself from walkers, such as guns, katanas, and baseball bats. This March, you can add the Wii U's GamePad to that list.
A new game based on The Walking Dead television show is coming later this year from Activision, and based on the first footage, there's a lot of work to be done.