Team Meat's critically acclaimed Super Meat Boy was hard enough for the best of us and now the React Channel has decided to let kids try their hand at the game.
First seen on the showroom floor of PAX Prime, Super Meat Boy Forever brings its intense, insta-death grind over to PC and mobile devices in an auto runner style.
Team Meat, the creators of Super Meat Boy, have unveiled a new trailer for its new, live action stealth game, A Voyeur for September, but it could be a hint towards something completely different.
A new listing by Germany's Game Ratings Board suggest that Super Meat Boy and Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams are going to be crossing over as a 2D platforming hybrid.
When we learned that Team Meat would put an iOS version of Super Meat Boy on hold last October, it didn't seem like too big of a deal. Team Meat had lots of other strange projects in the pipeline for iOS, such as The Binding of Issac and Mew-Genics. But according to this post by Joystiq, it looks like Team Meat has officially stopped all development on Super Meat Boy for iOS.
According to a blog post on the official Team Meat website, the two developers behind the indie sensation Super Meat Boy will not be working on a sequel for their next release.