Traffic in Los Santos is worse than we thought -- Grand Theft Auto V for PC was delayed by a couple of months, but at least we now know its system requirements.
Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network's outages throughout this week have resulted in Grand Theft Auto V extending the duration of its Festive Surprise event.
Though the current-gen versions of Grand Theft Auto V are hogging the headlines, Rockstar's assured fans it hasn't given up on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version of its incredibly popular sequel.
Target Australia has been bombarded with feedback from customers about Grand Theft Auto V and have decided that the only thing left to do is take it off its shelves.
The devoted team at Rockstar Games is working hard at trying to iron out all the kinks for the people having trouble transferring old GTA Online characters.
Over the course of the past year, people have been wracking up some impressive numbers in Grand Theft Auto V's GTA Online. And that was before Heists arrived.