These robot pals put their circuits on the line to get us to the end of their respective games and they do it in sheer, sleek style. These are the 10 best robot buddies in video games.
Imagine having to follow up a legendary piece of media with something better. Can you put yourself in a place where fans ask you to take the thing you made that revolutionized a genre and make a follow-up that’s not only on par, but continues to push the envelope? That’s where Portal 2 was as it entered the gaming community’s collective radar. The game had an enormously high bar to clear with the original Portal, which was renowned for its excellent design, ingenious mechanics, and bizarre and somber, yet cynically humorous themes. Fortunately for all of Valve and Portal’s many fans, Gabe Newell’s team was well up to the task and years later, we celebrate the amazing sequel that was Portal 2.
We get our first look at the debut game Valve was working on before focusing on "Quiver," the project which would eventually become the first-person shooter we all know as Half-Life.
When ThreeA revealed it would be bringing Aperture's test robots to life in sixth-scale, I immediately got excited. After getting my hands on them, I'm pretty thrilled with the results, even if there are a few flaws.
Though video game licenses aren't where ThreeA built its brand, that's certainly where some of the company's most impressive collectibles have come from. Originally started as a joint collaboration between Kim Fung Wong and Ashley Wood, ThreeA has expanded from publishing and manufacturing high-end books and figures based on Wood's designs into the likes of Metal Gear Solid, Portal 2, Halo and more. At Toy Fair this year, ThreeA had a host of massive creations on display, each of which is more impressive than the last.
There are plenty of protagonists in video games that have no voice of their own. Despite this over abundance of mute heroes, few are actually remembered and revered the same way Portal and Portal 2's Chell is by fans. It's curious then that it's taken so long for her to get her own action figure.