Hasbro's Transformers brand has been one of the most consistently popular properties for fans of all ages since it debuted in 1984. There have been many incarnations of the robots in disguise over the last thirty years, but the Generation 1 version has always been the dominant fan favorite. Though we've seen the characters from that iteration of the cartoon and action figure series in game before, we've never seen them brought to life quite like this.
A recent photo of Raiden released by Platinum Games had a lot of fans hoping for a sequel to the sword-slashing action game, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
A while back, Platinum Games joked about a potential Bayonetta platformer. Today, the developer released it as an in-browser game you could play for free.
Imbuing the traditional and nostalgia-inspiring looks of Link, Samus and Princess Peach with the sleek, sultry style of our favorite Umbra Witch was no easy task, but Nintendo and Platinum Games were able to pull it off (or at least unbutton it a bit).
Some more behind-the-scenes videos for Platinum Games' upcoming brawler, The Legend of Korra, have appeared, showing us the magic behind the cutscenes.
Bayonetta 2 is the perfect game for people who just want to sit down, take up a controller, and beat the ever-living snot out of enemies for hours at a time.