Just when you thought the urge was dying down, Need for Speed Rivals is back with the Complete Edition, bringing all sorts of new content to the conflict between the racers and the police.
Want to drive around in Jesse Pinkman's Car? You will probably never be able to drive the Cap'n Cook wagon, but this newest car pack downloadable content for Need for Speed Rivals will offer you the next best thing.
Ghost Games, formally known as EA Gothenburg until a recent rebranding, was just hit with multiple layoffs and any progress made towards the next Need for Speed title has hit a red light.
With the lack of a first-party racing title arriving at launch for the PlayStation 4, EA jumped on the chance to have the only game in town, and released Need for Speed: Rivals a few days early for Sony's next-gen console. Criterion has stepped to the side for Ghost Games, which delivers an adrenaline-fueled racer that makes the series as competitive as it's ever been, and truly delivers on the Ri