Journey Developer Raises $7M in Funding for Next ProjectJourney Developer Raises $7M in Funding for Next Project Things are looking bright for the studio responsible for flOw, Flower and Journey.Jon LedfordJon Ledford
E3 2013 Preview: Flower For Playstation VitaE3 2013 Preview: Flower For Playstation VitaFlower, the serene motion controlled gaming experience from Thatgamecompany, is blowing off of the PS3 and onto the Vita. We got a chance to try out this almost meditative portable experience, this year at E3 2013.Angelo DargenioAngelo Dargenio
Giant SquidGiant SquidMatt Nava, the former art director for thatgamecompany's Flower and Journey has branched off and opened up his own studio.John Llewellyn MartinJohn Llewellyn Martin