Laying the Foundation of the JRPG: A Celebration of Dragon QuestLaying the Foundation of the JRPG: A Celebration of Dragon QuestToday we celebrate the release of the game that not only established the renowned Dragon Quest series, but also the JRPG as a beloved genre.T.J. DenzerT.J. Denzer
Dragon Quest XI Announced for PlayStation 4, 3DS and NXDragon Quest XI Announced for PlayStation 4, 3DS and NXSquare Enix has revealed the first two titles intended to launch on Nintendo's mysterious NX platform, and they are both Dragon Quest games. Jon LedfordJon Ledford
Dragon Quest 11 Details, 7 and 8 to Hit Nintendo 3DSDragon Quest 11 Details, 7 and 8 to Hit Nintendo 3DSSquare Enix isn't going to have Dragon Quest XI be another MMORPG, as DQVII and VIII are heading West for the Nintendo 3DS. Jon LedfordJon Ledford
Dragon Quest 6 Remake Launches for Android and iOSDragon Quest 6 Remake Launches for Android and iOSThe sixth title of Square Enix's other famous RPG series has been remade and hit the iOS and Android formats.Jon LedfordJon Ledford
Dragon Quest Launches for iOS and Android FormatsDragon Quest Launches for iOS and Android FormatsThe original game that sparked a line of slime-fighting JRPGs is now available on iOS and Android.Jon LedfordJon Ledford
Dragon Quest Heroes Trailer: Dynasty Z WarriorsDragon Quest Heroes Trailer: Dynasty Z WarriorsAkira Toriyama, Dragon Quest and Dynasty Warriors collide in this debut trailer for Dragon Quest Heroes. Jon LedfordJon Ledford
Dragon Quest Games to Spark Random Encounters on MobileDragon Quest Games to Spark Random Encounters on MobileSquare Enix is getting set to unload the full Dragon Quest catalog onto you fine mobile gamers. Prepare yourselves for a whole lot of slimes. John Llewellyn MartinJohn Llewellyn Martin