Super. Hot. Two words that will be ingrained in your brain just moments into playing Superhot VR. The mantra is one of victory and success in beating another set of challenges in Superhot VR, and seeing and hearing those words repeated lifts a weight off your shoulders. Superhot VR is a little late to the party on PlayStation VR, but its summer arrival is as welcome as any game to the platform. It's just a shame PlayStation's headset isn't quite up to the task.
The American Dream presents a 1950s world where “all of your everyday needs are solved with guns.” It’s a cleaned-up sitcom version of a decade plagued by civil rights unrest and communism hysteria, and guns play a central role in that imagined utopia.
We visited the Kalahari Resort in the Pocono Mountains to check out Zero Latency's Arena VR, a new attraction that lets you experience room-scale virtual reality with a group of friends.
Rhombus of Ruin is short, but it does well as a VR game, a reminder of the colorful quirk many of us like about the Psychonauts world and a teaser of what’s coming next.
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard may have come about because of some spectacular failures, but manages to show that Capcom still has what it takes to make incredible survival horror experiences.
The life of a spy is often glamorized in media, and particularly in games, but few have ever asked you to solve and survive the treacherous puzzles of a devious foe the same way as I Expect You to Die.
Though Rocksteady Studios' Batman: Arkham series has already allowed us to feel how great it is to fight as Batman, Batman: Arkham VR literally puts you inside the cowl for the first time. It's so many dreams come true.