Read lists curated by our expert video game editorial team to help you decide what the games to buy are.

10 Most Anticipated Games of 2016
After a shaky year for the video game industry, we're breaking out this list of the 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2016 to rekindle our hope in future games, knowing there are plenty of excellent titles on the horizon.

10 Best Christmas Video Games
Time off from work or school gives you the perfect opportunity to catch up on your gaming, so why not play a game that puts you in the Christmas spirit?

10 Best Holiday In-Game Events
For games that don't particularly have an ending, like online FPS titles and MMORPGs, having a holiday event is a nice way to change things up and occasionally make the game special for those who continuously play throughout the year.

10 Best Ice Bosses
We had to withstand arctic chills and subzero temperatures, and we've finally found 10 of the most chill bosses we could find.

10 Worst Star Wars Games
Make sure you angle the deflector shield while we make the calculations for the jump to light speed, because we're flying into an asteroid field of crap with the 10 Worst Star Wars Games.

Arcade Sushi’s High End Gift Guide 2015
Our series of holiday gift guides continue with a bunch of expensive, high end gifts for those willing to spend top dollar in order to put a smile on their loved one's face.

Arcade Sushi’s PC Gift Guide 2015
Arcade Sushi's Gift Guide for the 2015 holiday season continues. This time around, we've assembled all kinds of goodies you should leave under the tree (or in the Steam account) of a PC gamer.

Arcade Sushi's Games of the Year 2015
It's been another banner year for gaming, and whittling down the huge list of 2015's games to find the best wasn't an easy task. We did it anyway. There were some truly standout titles in 2015, even starting back at the beginning of the year with games like Life is Strange, Ori and the Blind Forest or even Hotline Miami 2. As ...

Arcade Sushi’s Wii U Gift Guide 2015
Many first-party Nintendo titles are geared towards general audiences who want to have fun with the game they have without having to worry about all the bells and whistles of online gameplay. While this means that many of Nintendo's games are pretty shallow when it comes to online functionality/multiplayer, they're meant to be enjoyed with a group of friends in the living room.

Arcade Sushi's PlayStation 4 Gift Guide 2015
This time, we're making a list (and checking it twice) that features all kinds of PlayStation 4-themed goodies you can get your loved one.